Meeting date: October 17, 3:30 p.m.
Meeting location: Grantsburg Public Library
Meeting called by: Kristina Kelley-Johnson
Type of meeting: Town Renewal Committee Discussion
Notetaker: Kristina Kelley-Johnson
Attendees: Kelly Gerber, Kristina Kelley-Johnson, Dale Bistram, Chris Bartlett, Nicki Peterson


Agenda Item: Memorial Benches Downtown

Discussion: GRO members will approach local businesses and organizations to sponsor benches allow Madison Ave/Main Street. Kristina is working on a letter and will work with the Village to ensure they have the necessary information to install and order the benches. GRO members will suggest areas for bench placements.

Agenda Item: Connect Communities Program

Discussion: Nicki has submitted the application for the program. Darrin Wasniewski of the Downtown Development Program responded saying they will review the application and let us know if we will be enrolled in the program at the end of November. Enrollment in the program would start on January 1.

Nicki and Kristina will attend the Community Development Block Grant kick-off meeting on behalf of GRO. Dale asks that they do their best to find out a timeframe for a project, how property owners and downtown businesses will learn of project developments, when the road might be shut down, etc. There was a discussion about who and how to best inform business owners of those details. Letters, visits and public meetings were all mentioned. We would also like to know who we should refer people to should GRO members have questions that we cannot answer.

Agenda item: Holiday Display for Memory Lake Park

Discussion: Kelly said that GRO will have a display in the park this year and that many of the downtown businesses have submitted order forms to the Scouts for wreaths and garland.
Kelly has also been working with the Lions Club to invite more organizations to join in the Holiday merriment activities at Memory Lake Park.

Agenda item: Community Outdoor Recreation Area

Discussion: Jess Kruse of Community Bank has joined the committee and agreed to coordinate the brick fundraiser program. Nicki is looking to have a 10’by 5’ fundraiser sign printed that the public works crew would mount over the community swimming pool sign on Highway 70. Nicki will also get 1000 brochures printed and two display boards printed. We will ask that the Village staff includes a brochure in the December water bill. The display boards will rotate locations. We are hopeful that We Are Grantsburg, The Rotary, the School Board and Lions Club can all help communicate the project.

Agenda item: Repainting of Bike Lakes in the Village

Discussion: Chris Bartlett informed the committee that he received an estimate of $622 to repaint the lanes. Members are hoping to find funding to help with this village project. Chris suggested that we wait until spring after the streets have been cleaned to paint.

Next meeting date is 3:30 p.m., November 14 at Grantsburg Public Library