Minutes: GRO Monthly Meeting Wednesday June 6, 2018, 11:30 PM

Attending: Amelia Johnson, Halle Pardun, Dale Bistram, Ben Binversie, Larry Ebersold, Pam Davies, Jerry Dorff, Kristina Kelly-Johnson, Kelly Gerber, Nicki Peterson, Gordie Lewis

Presentation on Campground Addition Proposal:

  • Dale Bistram presented on expanding the Village campground. He talked about how busy the campground is now and the revenue it brings in. Believes an addition would be a benefit and should focus on millennials because they spend more money in a community when visiting and that they might like the community and move here. Dale’s brother-in-law, Brentt did extensive research for us at no charge. This is his area of expertise. A full detailed report of 200 pages is available by email request from Kristina. A summary report laid out 38 new sites south of the existing campground with a bath house and hookups. Brentt recommends gravel road not paved because you could make ski trails out of it. Nicki suggested adding other resources to the area—playground as millennials will have children.
  • Dale suggested a bridge over the river to access the north side of the river. Pam thought that there was a bridge but not sure where. Another bridge would help campers access 7 km of trails already existing on the north side of the river. Kelly suggested connecting the existing bike trail.
  • A concern that new campsites north of the river (not in current proposal) might be in a flood plain was brought up. Dale said he believes Brentt has built campgrounds in a flood plain before. Pointed out Gov Knowles State Park has rustic sites on the Wood River probably on flood plain.
  • Suggestion that we could start with rustic sites (this is in the proposal summary already).
  • People at the existing campground use the area resources, pool, playground, school, library.
  • Benefits of more campsites: Triathlon campsites, local business spending, revenue for the village.
  • Next step it to take the proposal to the village. Dale and GRO will ask that this be put on the Village agenda for June 11 meeting. Dale would like more GRO members present to help his present to the Village Board.
  • Funding: Nicki suggested the Economic Development Funds.
  • Jerry Dorff mentioned that Gov Knowles has the potential to expand by 30 sites. Will this compete of make the area more of a destination?

Renewal Report

  • $16,500 has been raised for the Fitness Trail. Meet again.
  • Kristina brought up the finishes Saige suggested for the benches and garbage cans
  • Kelly talked about village clean-up day. It was a great success. Huge list and nearly everything was completed. Chris sent a thank you note to Josh Watt. Kelly is working on finishing the other projects at Violet Circle playground. Ben said that he heard from a student about doing a community service project with clean up. Students should contact Kelly Gerber.
  • Community Center – Kathy McCabe has family donating to the improvement of the center. Looking at awnings all the way around in addition to the picnic table etc. Large awning for food shelf suggested by Larry.
  • Nick has a lift that can be used to get the tar off the building east side. The estimated cost from Jerry Schellbach is $300.00.
  • Connect Communities: Voted to join for one year to see how we like it. Nicki thinks there is money to cover the $200.00 yearly application fee.

Marketing Update:

  • Met 6/5/18 One goal is timely execution of signs and billboards. The committee put a timeline together to complete the trail Kiosks and brochure including the fire hydrants. Nicki showed an impressive map/brochure from Osceola that we can model on. Looking for the artist that did it for them. Ben will contact Osceola Chamber to find out. Ben brought up the idea of an online events platform that’s low maintenance. An RSS feed was suggested but we’re concerned about maintaining that without a paid staff person. Kristina thought that with a new website, the library might be able to play a roll in informing the community of events.
  • Next meeting June 19 at 8:15 Crex Meadows Visitor Center.
  • Natural Resources: A bid was received for the Olson drive project $65,000 including with material. We have $22,500 for materials and will need to fund raise. Pam spoke to Rodney Meyers about doing the trail project. May be a cost savings. Waiting on a bid from Rodney and hopeful that they can get some of the work done this year.
  • River cleanup, two dates had to be canceled due to availability and high water. Will reschedule.
  • Jerry will submit application to National Guard to help with big stuff on river. Their application process is long so won’t be done this year.
  • Pam in the process of making inquiries with landowners along river if they would be will to be an emergency landing site. There is concern from property owners that the river will become an Apple River, litter, fire danger, noise, trespassing.

Housing committee will meet at Parker 8:30 am June 7, 8-10 potential committee members expected.

Highway 70 committee: Pam is going to check out our DOT letter regarding reducing the speed limit and establishing a school zone. It was originally sent March 27.

Next meeting July 11 at 1:30 am (pushed back one week due to 4th of July.

Thank you to Luann Ebersold for providing lunch.

Minutes recorded by Kristina, typed by Pam