GRO General Meeting July 11, 2018

Present: Kristina Kelly-Johnson, Chris Bartlett, Nicki Peterson, Brent Kapfer, Dale Bistram, Jerry Dorff, Larry Ebersold, Chris Peterson, Cathy McCabe, Pam Davies, Ben Binversie, Halle Pardun, Amelia Johnson

Introductions around the room for benefit of Brent Kapfer. Brent purchased Cyndi’s Haircare. There are three units that he is looking for ideas about what businesses might work downtown. Ideas offered: Do a Facebook survey of what people would like to see downtown. Vacation rentals/retreat or AirBNB type rentals, hair salon, office space/small conference rooms for rent, coffee shop with ice cream and bakery. Discussion evolved around how to bring more traffic to downtown, solution will be multifaceted and will build on itself.

Committee Reports

Renewal Committee (Kristina):

Banners: Cost of new banners $50.00 each. Cost of new brackets: $50.00 each. Can use old brackets. Not sure how many banner brackets exist downtown now. Discussion involved banners on Olson Drive also as well as on HWY 70 to create continuity. Also doing an archway of some kind on Olson Drive at HWY 70 encouraging entry into downtown from that route rather than Pine Street. Semi-truck traffic now uses Olson Drive-should this continue into the future or reroute.

Campground expansion: Village will have a public input meeting on expanding campground south of current campground on Olson 10:00 am, Monday, July 16. Comments from Olson Dr and other residents positive and negative received by Nicki and on FB. Concern about trees. Retaining trees are a high priority in developing the sites. Mix of sites will attract all types of campers not just millenials.

COR report on costs of splash pad and play ground. Matching grant from playground developer to help cover costs of playground. Fitness trail is the priority. Getting bid from Rodney Meyer on the trail. $15,000 already raised. Carlisle Sherstad donation will be $1802.22 will go to the fitness trail.

Need to develop a brochure and website that will highlight community offerings and connect the community offerings.

Marketing Report (Ben):

Other committees encouraged to ask if they need things from the marketing committee.

Currently focusing on the trail kiosks. Photos and copy for the panels are being finalized. Beauty shot for central panel will be from Crex. Back center panel will be map of local services such as library, pool, Village Office, Schools, Medical Center, Memory Lake Park, etc. A brochure will be developed from the panels on the kiosk.

First kiosk is west of the Sinclair station on Hwy 70. Second kiosk which is also fully funded will probably be in Memory Lake Park. Need to scout out location that will be visible, have available parking and will be convenient to foot traffic.

Donor recognition for the kiosk project will be a future agenda item for the marketing committee.

Fire hydrant project brochure is also on the agenda.

Housing Committee Report (Ben):

Met June 7. Role will be to connect people with the right housing resources. Housing needs survey will be developed. Will meet again July 13.

Ted Berber spoke about a potential project for the river property (old metal works at Pine and Olson north of the post office).

Discussion: Larry said the Village put the village ordinances online and the Board is looking at revising property ordinances. Larry said Osceola has very good village ordinances.

Hwy 70 committee no report

Natural Resources Report (Pam):

Olson Drive project:

current trail project bid $65,000 with materials. We have $22,500 for materials. Will get bid from Rodney Meyer. Doing a walk through with Chris Bartlett and Rodney Thursday.

Wood River cleanup:

Clearing bank to bank has been a problem due to very large trees across the river that can only be partially removed by hand. More debris gets hung up on what is left behind clogging the way and causing safety issues as currents are more treacherous around fallen trees and the potential to get canoes and kayaks flipped and wedged is increased. Jerry is applying for Wisconsin Army National Guard IRT/CET program for assistance—hopefully our project will fit in with their training needs and they can get the snags cleared bank to bank, at least the worst spots of which there are 3 major and two to four minor snags between HWY 70 and West River Road. There are about a half-dozen small snags that will also need clearing. There is some concern that this river is too dangerous to encourage canoers and kayakers to navigate it. However, with proper warnings posted this is a good single day river trip for experienced safety conscientious boaters. Identifying property owners that would allow emergency egress is on the priority list of the committee as well as signage about precautions on the river. Chris Bartlett can get signage ordered when we are ready.

Capstone report briefly discussed. This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Briefly touched on the possibility of creating a mountain biking trails committee to spearhead a trail system in Gov Knowles State Forest.

Adjourned at 1:21pm.