GRO General Meeting, April 4, 2018, 11:30 AM Grantsburg Public Library, Community Room

Attended: Nicki Peterson, Kristina Kelley-Johnson, Kelly Gerber, Ben Binversie, Cris Peterson, Halle Pardun, Cathy McCabe, Diane Barton, Rod Kleiss, Pam Davies

Nicki began meeting at 11:30 am

Committee Updates

Natural Resources

  • Wood River: Jerry Dorff coordinating. Cleanup planned for end of May or early June.

  • Trail Kiosk: Nicki coordinating. Final editing of the legends in progress. Ski Trail: coordinated by Rod Kleiss. He would like to widen the trail to 12 feet and add more trail in public land north between Memory Lake Park and Jackson and utilizing some of his land. He would like volunteers to help with this this summer.

  • Olson Drive Trails: Pam and Ben coordinating, Antczak Construction from Rice lake did some of the Ice Age Trails (Stower Seven lakes section), source of estimates on cost. Disadvantage of crushed limestone, the trails are wet and can be unusable in wet fall or spring conditions according to Steve of Cyclova, he said paved preferred. Ben to check to see if Steve can meet with fitness trail people at 2:00 on April 12 at the Library.

Hwy 70

Reducing speed to 35 mph–draft letter sent to Patty at village office to go to NW Regional WisDOT in Superior requesting reduction. Cross walk and turn lanes will be the goal for the future. Speed reduction is an interim step. Diane brought up the idea of street art on pavement at village street cross walks to draw attention to cross walks to local recreation areas.


  • Fitness Trail: Kelly coordinating, 4 trail layouts to west and south of the Grantsburg pool were proposed. the sub-committee met with Chris Bartlett and Steph of Grantsburg Girl Scouts regarding the proposed splash pad and ADA accessible playground. Halle reported the Carlyle Sherstad run proceeds this year will be donated to GRO for the Fitness Trail.
  • Community Center east entrance. Cathy’s proposed enhancements, issue of this entrance actually being a utility entrance and emergency exit. No entry way to act as buffer, opens directly to outside. Used by gymnastics. Not a secure entry so architect recommended we not draw more attention to the area. Cathy is working on enhancements that will draw minimal attention, including an awning and a picnic table to match the library table and a garbage can.

Other items not designated to a committee

  • Airport: Rod Kleiss coordinating. They are planning fundraiser events and want to add rough camping with trail access to Crex Meadows which Crex seems to support.
  • Grants: Nicki coordinating. Meeting with SEH and village to focus on community block grant
  • Housing Market analysis: Nate Ehalt of Burnett County suggest that the village make formal request to him regarding doing an analysis.
  • Nicki did a present for Grantsburg Rotary. They mentioned funds left from the digital sign project that GRO can apply for using toward the fitness trail. Kelly to draft the proposal.

Committees need reforming or solidifying of leadership positions. Went around the room to identify whose interests coincide with committees. Sub-committees will now be areas within each committee. Committee can have chair or lead jointly. Committees will decide on projects, find volunteers and report to GRO general meeting.

  • Natural Resources- Chairs: Rod, Pam and Jerry Dorff. Steve Hoffman, Chris Spaight and Joni Burgin.
  • Downtown (renamed Town Renewal)- Chair: Kristina. Kelly, Nicki, Caylin, Ben, Chris Bartlett, Steph, Cathy
  • HWY 70: Chair- Wade Vitalis. Kristina, Wade and Diane
  • Promotions and Branding- Chair: Ben. Halle, Pam and Nicki
  • Housing: No current chair. Ben, Nate Ehalt, Diane, Larry Ebersold

Next meeting will be held May 2 at Grantsburg Public Library.

Meeting ended at approximately 12:25 PM

Minutes taken by Kristina, typed by Pam